Music has been around for centuries. For many of us it is an outlet. It can make us happy, make us sad, make us mad, or make us cry. Music is a form of expression and what better way to express yourself than with one of these cute Music Inspired Necklaces.
1- Spool Necklace by My Salvaged Treasures
2- Sheet Music Pendant by S.C.R.A.P.
3- Sheet Music Charm Necklace by My Girlish Whims
4- Heart Necklace by Ellen’s Creative Passage
5- Treble Clef Necklace by Panda Hall
6- Vintage Sheet Music Necklace by Bei Mondi Jewelry
Looking for more ideas? Check out these sheet music necklaces on Etsy.
Really love the spool necklace and the heart shaped music sheet charm necklace.
#3 is actually a tutorial from my blog, looks like some website posted it on their website without my permission! Sometime if you wouldn’t mind, here’s the correct link:
Thanks for all the inspiration! Following you now!