Eclecticism: the borrowing of a variety of styles from different sources and combining them.
ECLECTICA is here to show the love for variety of styles and present an eclectic collection of fashion items. Therefore, each collection might have major differences and will not stick to just one certain kind of style.
As the owner of the label, Tara Amelz has been a fan of various kinds of style.
Through ECLECTICA, she wishes for each items from the collections to find its way to the hands of people who discover a part of themselves in it.
Check out the website and brows the store for all the latest offerings.
Her pieces have been featured in various magazines including ELLE and she is giving 1 of our lucky readers the chance to win one of her tulle designs as featured here. For your chance to win simple leave a comment on this post and tell us what your favorite accessory is.
Competition Open Worldwide
Competition Closes – September 1st
My favorite accesories are necklaces, oh, and rings, and earrings! I LOVE THEM ALL!!!!
my favourite piece is the FILOLINA IDR! 😀
so cute 🙂 I adore this red necklace kak Tara (frm Indonesia)
The Fradelo IDR necklace is pretty awesome!!
Hi, Your necklace is fabulous!
I enjoy wearing earrings and necklaces
according to my whim and outfits.
Many thanks, Cindi
I heart statement neckies so much.
since they always make simple clothes becoming outstanding. And somehow, they give sort of personal touch to each person who wear them.
actually, im thinking to order one of eclectica so lucky then knowing this giveaway competition *grin ;P*
the give away is one of my fave. I think the design is smart, combining ‘playful’ material (the wrinkle thingy) with golden chain. you can wear it to both casual and official occasion. Thanks to maroon color, it empowers the elegance sense. it’s such a great dualism ;D
My favorite acessory would have to be headbands-all different kinds, embellished or not, color for all ocassions!
My favourite is the necklace, next is ring, then bracelet.
My favorite, definitely is NECKLACE 🙂
I love the ring
Thanks for the chance at this great giveaway
My favorite accesories are rings! I love it!
Ana Belén R.M
My favorite accessory would be bracelets. Thanks for the giveaway!!
I love to accessorize and anything works for me: headbands, bracelets, rings…. I’m not fussy =)
My favorite accessory from ECLECTICA is FRONALA.
I am a headband and necklace junkie, and I love them big and bold! Eclectica has so many amazing pieces – I love the tulle necklaces and the beautiful grey lace and black vintage button necklace in their sold section.
Frolalo IDR is the one I would love to win.
My favorite accessory?? A punky pink plastic ring with a violin inside that I got from a friend who went to Japan!
dangly earrings with beads 🙂
My favourite accessory is necklaces, they can make or break an outfit, and hs one is just stunning. good luck everyone 🙂
I love the bracelets
I love things that go in my hair! A big fake flower will always brighten my day!
I love the headbands, they brilliant!
The headband, stunning!!!
I would wear a black dress to show off as many Eclectica accessories as possible!
I think my favourite accessory at the moment is a sunflower bracelet that I made, I wear it when I’m sad to remind me that there is happiness in life!
My favourite accessory is a necklace, I always wear a different one according to my outfit, style or mood.
i love earings and necklaces………..
my face accesories would definitely be em, and feel naked without it:P followed by bangles and rings:P in short i love accesories so much, and on top of my list is cute necklaces just like ur design tara:P (from indonesia)
my smile – its all I need to wear to complete any outfit
I love accessories and my favorite is a necklace but I also love purses!
My favourite accessory are scarves, whether it long woolen ones or just cute kitsch ones to add a bit of style to an outfit. Worn round my neck, my arm or my waist what more do you need than this versatile accessory
I love the bracelets
I love rings, bracelets, scarfs, headwear, anything. I love to accessories!!!
I simply love rings
ring are my thing
I love vintage earrings!Large and jeweled are my favorites.
Statement bracelets, closely followed by dangly/sparkly earrings. Although i probably wear necklaces most often…
Antique Ethnic Necklaces-the one with wooden, beads,, Simple Earrings
I feel naked without my earrings
NECKLACE! Yes, I do love necklace so much. I’ve got tons of necklaces that I organized in one gigantic box and two tiny boxes.
I always think that when you are wearing a necklace, your look will be more perfect. Also, it will describe who you are, simply by wearing statement necklaces.
ring are my weakness
my fave accessory has got to be long necklaces
My disney ‘think of a wonderful though’ bracelet. I wear it all the time!! I would totally cry my eyes out if i lost it!
I love necklaces, enter me please ^^
Always love Tara’s designs…my favorite accessories are necklaces and bracelets, with unique designs of course 😉
It’s got to be Furafla Idr…
My fave accessories are my gold hoop earrings
I love the blue necklaces!
My favourite accessories are hair things and bright necklaces that I can wear to brighten up my plain/modest clothes I wear for teaching in school.