It’s not to early to be wishing for spring, with most of the country in a deep freeze. Surrounding yourself with color and wearing colorful jewelry will help cheer you up until Spring does come.
One of our readers, Rachel Grande has up this fantastic feather & eggs brooch on her etsy site. Done in hot pink and aqua, this brooch will be sure to brighten your day whether its snowy or sunny. rock my friend! And yes I am extremely biased as you have featured one of my goodies here. I know this may sound a bit narcissistic..but it isn’t meant to…I so Love this brooch! It was one of those days for me..I was in a funky doubt inspired by the teenage angst of my beloved ungrateful kids…and my eclectic side made an appearance. I had these great blue eggs I crafted from clay and a small strip of marabou feathers..and voila!
I must admit out loud here..that it is very cool to be recognized so publicly! It always seems to be for a piece that I’ve made that I otherwise would not envision being liked let alone placed front and center for the masses! Thanks again and again..I have gotten such excitement seeing this ‘up in lights’!