Yesterday I posted about how I came across 2 Glassy Ladies on Twitter
Twitter is a free social networking and micro blogging site. It allows you to post brief, 140 character long posts. If you haven’t gotten into Twitter, yet you should definately check it out. It’s a great way to network, market yourself and find fantastic jewelry artists.
You can go to the Twitter search page and enter a word you want to search or use Twitter tags. Twitter tags start with the # symbol, for example; #jewelry, #jewelrymaking, #lampwork, etc… You can find TONS of people to follow or read about. You can follow jewelry people like 2 Glassy Ladies, A Bead A Day, me , Artbeads, Snowsickle, Ornamentea, Melissa J. Lee and Rings and Things, to name a few.
I am a 13 year old middle school student who has launched my own jewelry sales website. I ask you to visit my websites and comment. Any feedback you have will be put to good use. Thank you, Rachel